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How To Get Started?

So one thing that has been exciting me is a possible career change into the world of teaching.  It's always been an interest of mine.  Even back in undergraduate years, I tried to transfer over but I would have added some time to my collegiate years, and thought I couldn't afford to do so.   It was a legitimate concern since my costs were being covered 100% by student loans and income from all of my jobs.  Now looking back, I realize I should have just done it when it was 'easy' to do so.  But that's ok.  I knew I needed to make some money to pay off said loans, so that was my motivation - get a degree and get out in the working world.  And really, how is a 20 year old supposed to be sure that their career path is the one they will be happy with the rest of their life?

Long story short, I ended up with a generic degree from my undergrad years, then got interested in IT.  Back in the 90s, it was the place to be.  I liked the continually changing atmosphere and the constant need to learn new technologies.  I decided to go back to school to fill in some of the gaps.  This went well, and I had arrived at a solid career and a great job.

We all know how that changes, don't we?

IT has changed in and of itself.  Nowadays, the economy is different, and cutbacks seem to hit IT pretty hard.  I still like the industry, but now I'm a mom with four young kids being forced to make a decision about my life.  Do I pursue the same thing from which I was just laid off, or do I try something different?  Maybe it is time for a change.  Restless spirit, I can be...always looking for that next great thing.  Perhaps now is the time to pursue the teaching interest.

In my current situation, going back to school to pursue a job teaching elementary or high school isn't going to work.  After all, I'm still paying off my student loans and don't feel inclined to suffer a ton more debt right now.  But college teaching...is that an option?  Is teaching at a junior or a full time college something I am qualified to do?  I think it should be.  I have plenty of experience training, experience in the industry and I have my Master's degree.  I hope it's enough.  The problem is I am not coming up with a whole lot of information on how to apply for such a position.

So anyone reading...does anyone know how to get my foot in the door?


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